High Tech Means High Performance Security
Safe. Secure. Excellent.

Any company whose business is the development and distribution of technology must itself be a prime example of performance excellence. Even a small to mid-sized high tech company needs a complete solution for data security.
Do you have complete confidence in the IT system that protects your own business data? Can you sell that confidence with the services you provide to customers?

Security Challenges for High Tech IT Companies
You want to guarantee data privacy and security without downtime and/or data loss. That’s a big order for any IT company especially when you have to approach it from two perspectives:
- You as the business owner
- Your customers who rely on you to protect their privacy and business data
Are you ready to provide complete, secure cloud coverage for file management, including collecting, storing, transmitting and using data? Do you have the solutions for protecting email, voice mail and file sharing? Is compliance with industry regulations an issue? Are you and your customers afraid that customer data will be mined and sold?
Our Digital6 Technologies specialists understand the security challenges of a high tech business. We can help you implement the best solution for your operations.
Digital6 Technologies Solutions
Our Digital6 team will review your high tech business and the services you sell to customers. Then, they will be able to identify the most suitable tools to protect your data and that of your clients and develop an implementation plan. Typical suggestions include:
Cloud Platform
We usually recommend you take full advantage of cloud services with an excellent platform like Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS). At Digital6, we have the technical expertise and certification to install these platforms, both of which have the kind of flexibility needed by high tech SMBs and startups. Scalability is another significant feature if you are poised to expand either volume of sales and/or types of services.
Office in the Cloud
At Digital6, we are trained and qualified to customize a full service Microsoft Office 365. You can choose from a entire suite of integrated solutions ranging from basic to premium packages. You will appreciate the flexibility of advanced mobility and accessibility all while enjoying the full time security of business critical information.
File Sharing and Backup
Digital6 is pleased to offer ShareSync software that ensures:
- Secure file sharing, internally and with external partners
- Real time data backup
Immediate business continuity in case of a breach or power outage
Let Digital6 Technologies manage your IT security while you nurture and grow your business.
No more need to worry about customers questioning your protection of their data. Don’t feel attacked by the continual barrage of media reports of the impact of company data losses or business downtime. You can be confident that you are doing the best to protect your own data and that of your customers.