Manufacturing Needs Reliable Technology Across Supply Chain
Are you starting a manufacturing business? Are you ready to expand your current success?
Excellence in supply chain management demands efficiency and cost effectiveness no matter how long you’ve been in business.
Fortunately, there are cloud services that ensure the best possible communication and collaboration across the entire supply chain. State-of-the-art tools can help you meet any and all manufacturing requirements for email systems, file sharing and backup, and even voice messaging.
Whether you are concerned about managing onsite operations, coordinating logistics or solving problems with suppliers. Digital6 Technologies can provide the expertise to recommend the right cloud IT business tools for your manufacturing business and the ongoing services to support implementation.
Challenges of Manufacturing IT
Most business owners are challenged by three primary IT issues these days: privacy, security and compliance. Do you understand the concerns? Do you have a plan to keep your private data safe and secure?
Manufacturing compliance includes the regulations and practices manufacturers must comply with in order to produce and market products. Not only is the risk of noncompliance for data protection increasing, the role of government regulatory agencies has been strengthened. And, if you operate internationally, you are bound by a growing number of global standards.
Digital6 Technologies IT Solutions for Manufacturing
Cloud Platform
Microsoft Azure
Digital6 Technologies can ease the transition to cloud services with the excellent Microsoft Azure platform, the complete solution for reliable, secure file management. Microsoft has integrated many cloud services into the Azure cloud platform that allows you to design, implement and manage applications through their worldwide data center network. If you are not ready to move all your business data completely to the cloud, Digital6 can work with you to develop a hybrid model.
Amazon Web Service
AWS is a cloud services platform ready to use for any kind of workload. It offers tools to integrate, import/export and store data with the kind of flexibility and scalability needed by startups and SMBs poised to expand. Very quickly Digital6 can help you have a high performance database ready to be deployed, perhaps on a prepackaged app share as Microsoft SharePoint.
Full Service Office
Microsoft Office 365
For a full service office in the cloud, Digital6 Technologies can customize Microsoft Office 365 to meet all the challenges for excellence in file management, data privacy and data security in your manufacturing business.
A review and risk assessment of your operation will help determine exactly which version you need from the integrated solutions ranging from Business Essentials to Business Premium. No matter which options you choose, you and your employees will have access whenever you want from wherever you are working. Advanced mobility and accessibility are key features of Office 365.
This software is user friendly which promotes increased efficiency and productivity. It is easy to collaborate through file sharing, online meetings and instant messaging. There are options for email encryption, archiving and continuity.
And, Microsoft understands security in both directions. Any attempt to inject malware into your system raises alarms in time to contain and eliminate it. In addition, Office 365 stops any attempts to access and retrieve data from your files.
The huge bonus is that Microsoft Office 365 is affordable with payment options to fit your budget.
File Sharing and Back Up
Digital6 would like to work with you before there is a problem with downtime caused by data loss or a security breach. They can implement ShareSync to ensure:
- Real time data backup
- Immediate roll ack to clean data
- Business continuity as you can continue working on any clean device, including file sharing
The Hybrid Solution
Often the best data management solution for a manufacturing business is a combination of services, both on-premises and in the cloud.
Key factors to consider include:
- Do you experience regular or intermittent fluctuations in data flow?
- Are you poised to grow significantly either in volume or kind of product or in customer base?
- Are you concerned about losing control of proprietary information?
- Are you feeling overwhelmed by ever increasing data collection?
- Do you want to have more affordable options for data management?
A hybrid solution gives you:
Capacity to Expand Data Storage
A server on an Azure or AWC platform is immediately responsive to accommodating permanent and temporary fluctuations in data flow.
Business Continuity
An on-premises outage triggers the hybrid backup in the cloud so there is little, if any downtime.
Cost Effectiveness
You can predict your on-premises costs for hardware, services and IT support but have flexibility with pay-as-you-use cloud services.
Extra Space
You don’t have to tie up on-premises resources when you want to manage a manufacturing project or develop and test a product innovation.
Internet of Things (IoT)
The manufacturing industry is steadily increasing the amount of money spent on the Internet of Things (IoT). This makes sense as the supply chain can often be very long, and interconnectivity gives a huge boost to production efficiency, customer service and profitability.
You can collect end-to-end data from all your assets and processes through sensors and IoT enabled devices from the purchase of raw material to delivery of the product to your customer and even to after-sales service. All the data is invaluable for:
- Supply management
- Asset management
- Facility management
- Ensuring safety and security
- Monitoring and optimizing performance of machines and employees
- Quality control
- Determining customer preference
The size of your business does not restrict your taking full advantage of all the possibilities for using IoT. Our Digital6 Technologies specialists can work with you to Identify devices which are or could easily be connected to the internet and then to each other. We usually start with your production line and then work up and down the supply chain.
You will be amazed at how easy and affordable it is to develop an IoT network to provide you with data for managing, optimizing and even growing your manufacturing business.