September 5, 2022

Black Hat Secures the World’s Premier Cybersecurity Conferences

You think your job is tough? Try securing a full-scale network that was set up in just a few days at the world's largest hacker conference. That's what happened when Black Hat, the world's top cybersecurity conference, descended on Las Vegas and chose our partner GigaSECURE to optimize the delivery of Black Hat's full-scale enterprise network traffic to security tools for the event. Read this customer story to learn how Gigamon saved the day. #GigaSECURE #cybersecurity
September 5, 2022

With mobile devices becoming the standard, how do you manage all endpoints in your #digitalworkspace? Contact Digital6 Technologies to hear about @CitrixWorkspace solutions tailored for your org.

Managing multiple endpoints with staff using all kinds of devices in any location can be a daily migraine. How does your organization handle the job? If pain relievers aren't getting rid of that headache, it may be time to contact Digital6 Technologies to hear about @CitrixWorkspace solutions designed for the always changing hybrid workplace. #HybridWorkplace
September 5, 2022

Learning the Building Blocks You Need for Consumer Identity and Access Management Part 2: Engage

#DYK: 25% of users abandon an app after first use because of a bad experience? Strike the right balance between safe and empowering with successful #CIAM. Learn more:
August 30, 2022

#AI is changing the game for #cybersecurity. How do you think advancements will help analysts fight back against emerging threats? Reply or quote tweet with your take!

AI is changing the game for cybersecurity. As cyberattacks grow in volume and complexity, artificial intelligence is helping understaffed and under-resourced security ops analysts fight back. In what specific ways do you think advancements will help analysts take on emerging threats? Let us know in the comments! #AI #cybersecurity
August 29, 2022

Gigamon Hawk: Enhancing Cloud Visibility, Expanding Management Value

It's not a stretch to say the cloud complicates network management. Unfortunately, cloud conditions and components are all too often hidden from view and out of reach of IT management staff and tools. This IDC Link report explains how Gigamon Hawk may be the industry's only hope for detailed network information and insights, regardless of whether they're operating outside or inside the cloud. Consult the report for more information about the comprehensive visibility Gigamon Hawk offers. Contact us if you'd like to try it for yourself.
August 29, 2022

Citrix Workspace and Microsoft 365 Empowers the Public Sector

The pandemic created momentum for public organizations to make sweeping digital transformations. How is your IT department managing? If you're running into roadblocks you'll want to reach out to Digital6 Technologies where you can learn the latest about how Citrix and Microsoft have teamed up to create a strong digital ecosystem for public sector organizations. Download this solution brief for a look at benefits including higher remote work efficiency, lower costs and more secure government data in the cloud. @CitrixWorkspace #digitalworkspace #HybridWork
August 29, 2022

Bringing Truth to the Cloud

Network context, captured from all sources and providing metadata about the network, is a powerful but often overlooked source of truth about data. Imagine a single dashboard displaying a full overview of what is going on in your network — complete with detailed dashboards for quickly isolating problems and showing where to look. This blog from our partners at Gigamon explains how that kind of detailed network context is possible, specifically when Gigamon Hawk is combined with New Relic's API and JSON ingestion. Contact us if you'd like to learn more about the network context possibilities with Gigamon.
August 29, 2022

Is #hybridwork in your public organization’s digital plans? It is for the private companies you’re competing with for talent. Contact Digital6 Technologies to learn how @CitrixWorkspace speeds hybrid work strategies.

Hybrid work means giving staff the option to work where they're most comfortable. How does that fit into your public organization's IT planning? Reach out to Digital6 Technologies for ideas on how to make hybrid workspaces productive, secure and economical. @CitrixWorkspace #HybridWork