Hear what experts have to say and stay up to date on new features that can help optimize your productivity. Don't miss out on learning more to see how Windows Virtual Desktop can cater to your specific needs. Subscribe today.
Looking for a virtual environment to make work more accessible, flexible, and secure? How about saving money too? Learn the benefits of Windows Virtual Desktop here.
Get all the tools and resources you need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure at your own pace with confidence. In the video below, learn how Windows Virtual Desktop expands capabilities with the best virtualized end-user experience.
Keep up with the latest technological trends and learn how Windows Virtual Desktop continues to help employees maximize their productivity and security through this virtual experience. Subscribe today, build for tomorrow.
Want to prevent breaches? Lock down privileged user access. Compromised credentials are linked to over 80% of #breaches. Once in, cybercriminals can move around your network undetected. Read the 2020 Global State of Least Privilege Cyber Security report for a look at how businesses manage privileged access and ideas for improving your least privilege efforts.
Do some #cybersecurity and IT leaders think mobile devices are a passing phase? Probably not. In fact, any IT and security manager worth their salt knows mobile is here to stay — and that requires a strategy and solutions for mobile device management, or #MDM.
Read this informative (and humorous) eBook take on MDM and find out why you "don't" need mobile device management.
Flexibility and security are essential in an ever-changing workplace. Learn how Windows Virtual Desktop can help you adapt to changes in the business environment and increase productivity.
New widespread #WFH arrangements require fresh thinking around #cybersecurity. Security teams must pay close attention to how these work arrangements affect visibility. Check out these recommendations from Gartner on the actions needed now to secure remote workforces amid the pandemic.