November 14, 2022

Gigamon ROI

Is your capacity to accelerate your company's digital transformation constrained by a frozen IT budget that's preventing you from upgrading your network? Gigamon has the silver bullet solution every IT team facing this challenge should seriously explore. With #Gigamon, you can grow your network and increase reliability without increasing the number of tools on the network—saving your company substantial money. Watch this short video on Gigamon ROI to discover how to upgrade your network and save money, all while delivering superior business results. #cybersecurity #ROI
November 14, 2022

Citrix Workspace App Personalization

With @Citrix Workspace app personalization, workers get a customized experience even before logging in. How can your employees tailor user experiences to their jobs? App personalization enables you to deliver user experiences that fit corporate themes and provide familiar workspaces to employees from mobile and client applications. Learn how the experts at Digital6 Technologies can help. #hybridwork #userexperience
November 14, 2022

3 Steps to Managing Shadow IT Risk How

What's lurking in your shadow IT? #Shadowrisk lies outside the scope of common security tools. Examples include unmanaged and often vulnerable assets outside IT inventories, applications protected by weak and default credentials, misconfigured storage exposing confidential data, and services mistakenly exposed to the internet. Use this guide to learn how to manage shadow risk and regain control of your attack surface.
November 8, 2022

How to Protect Your Apps and APIs Across Multicloud Environments

Your apps and API are your most valuable assets. What's your strategy for protecting them against cyber threats? Feel free to share what works for you in the comments. Download this eBook to learn how @Citrix Web App and API Protection (CWAAP) can help you provide holistic, proven and layered protection against known and zero-day attacks, bring ease of use and simplicity to a complex security landscape, and protect any app in any cloud. Contact Digital6 Technologies to discuss how our experts can help you keep apps and APIs secure.
November 7, 2022

Zero Trust is gaining momentum

Ninety seven percent of organizations that started their Zero Trust journey say that the framework can help protect their business from today's increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity threats. As more and more businesses embrace the Zero Trust framework for cybersecurity, IT decisionmakers should be intimately familiar with the framework's underlying strategies. This solution brief explains the changing cybersecurity perceptions, expanding threatscape, and the role of Gigamon Visibility and Analytics Fabric in facilitating the Zero Trust journey. Check it out and then contact a Digital6 Technologies Zero Trust expert to start your journey to maximum security. #ZeroTrust #visibility
November 7, 2022

Gigamon and Dark Reading: Zero Trust Perspectives

Zero Trust is not a product; it's a journey to a more secure cloud environment. Most traditional assumptions about security are obsolete in today's hybrid cloud world, while continuous monitoring and visibility are more important than ever. In this interview with Dark Reading, Gigamon's CTO describes the 4 key steps on the road to Zero Trust. Contact Digital6 Technologies if you want to start the journey! #hybridcloud #zerotrust #gigamon
November 7, 2022

Defending Your Organization Against State-Sponsored Cyber Campaigns

How can a state-sponsored cyberattack adversely affect your company? Please share any scenarios that come to mind in the comments. This @Citrix blog reveals some of the risks, such as the potential damage to the critical services you rely on to communicate with your hybrid workforce. Read the blog to learn how to prepare for such attacks and 🔐 protect your company's apps and data from unexpected disruptions. Reach out to Digital6 Technologies to learn how our experts can help.
November 7, 2022

Evolving Your Data Security for the Hybrid Multicloud World

Migrating to a #multicloud environment? Good news: More agile and competitive Bad news: More vulnerable to threats Watch this webinar to learn from the experts how to protect modern and legacy data environments simultaneously by centralizing #visibility and monitoring, employing advanced analytics and orchestrating a collaborative response. #datasecurity