Has your financial services firm moved to the cloud? If not, what's stopping you? Let us know in the comments and read this article to learn why the cloud is the infrastructure of choice for banks today. 👉
Like a professional sports team, security teams need to recruit and assess the right players. An experienced Microsoft solutions provider like Digital6 Technologies can be an MVP. Schedule a free Security Solutions Consultation. Just fill out the request form.
Reduce risk and make your organization's move to the cloud more efficient. A @Microsoft partner, book a free Cloud Architecture Assessment from the experts at Digital6 Technologies.
Are you looking for ways to make your online calling and meeting experiences more natural, resilient, and efficient? Read the @Microsoft Teams blog for insight on how Teams leverages #AI and #MI to significantly improve user experience.
#hybridwork #MicrosoftTeams
Start making more informed decisions about cloud workload design and technology. Read the @Microsoft blog on how the Azure Well-Architected Framework provides prescriptive guidance and recommendations for architects to use when creating or reviewing cloud solutions.
How did @Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop help a global machine manufacturer transform its workplace, reduce network congestion and improve tech support?
Get the story here. 👉
Share this post to start a conversation on the value of digital workspace.
Password theft and ransomware attacks against small businesses and individuals are rampant. Share this post if this worries you. Read this blog to see how to protect yourself with an @Microsoft Security service.
If the word 'work' is missing from your hybrid work environment, you've got a problem. Contact the experts at Digital6 Technologies to schedule a free @Microsoft #hybridwork consultation.