November 27, 2018

Security – common mistakes

"43% of cyberattacks target small businesses." Just because your business is small doesn't mean it is insignificant to potential cybercriminals. In fact, many hackers specifically target small businesses because they often make simple security mistakes that are easy to exploit. The time to act is now! Use this graphic as your starting point to proactively identify and address common security problems. At Digital6 Technologies, we know you didn't start your business because you were an expert in security. Let us help you keep your data safe so you can stay focused on what you do best. Contact us to learn more!
November 26, 2018

A Customer Data Platform Picks Up Where CRM Leaves Off

If you had access to all your customer data, how would you use it? That's the question you should consider before you begin to bring your data together; then you can set your organization up for success. With the Azure data platform, you can take advantage of the efficiency and agility of the cloud by easily migrating to the cloud without changing code. Unlock insights and make predictions faster with Azure. Digital6 Technologies and Microsoft are here to help you get the most out of your data. Contact us today to find out how we can help you transition to the data platform that IT pros trust.
November 26, 2018

Missing Children Society of Canada

Missing Children Society of Canada uses social media to get the word out about missing children. Everything was going well with their social media push notification system until their system went down. Digital6 Technologies knows you can't afford an interruption in your service, that's why we're here to help. To prevent further interruptions in service, MCSC migrated to Azure. With Azure cloud services, the first responders can immediately push information out on social media. The applications of Azure services are endless and can be used to scale your data with AI. Contact us today to find out how we can help.
November 20, 2018

How The Compliance Function Is Evolving In 2018 — Five Key Findings

The security and compliance landscape is ever changing. Therefore, it is more important than ever to ensure your organization is protected against the threats of today and prepared to handle the challenges of tomorrow. With the cohesive structure of Microsoft 365, you can rest easy knowing that you have the right tools in place across your organization to adapt quickly to industry shifts. It's never too early to start looking ahead. Contact us to learn more about increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of your security and compliance functions.
November 20, 2018

Customer Story: Marshall Public Schools

When implementing technology in schools, there is always a push and pull between security and freedom. Too much security and the technology will lose its usefulness to students and teachers. On the other hand, allowing students to access and download anything they want can pose significant security risks. Using Windows 10 in S Mode, Marshall School District is able to strike the ideal balance between fostering creativity and collaboration in their students while ensuring each device is always kept secure. Students can graduate with a skillset that will allow them to excel in college and beyond.
November 19, 2018

Customer story: City of Corona

Do you want to make an impact on your organization? As an IT manager for the City of Corona, Kyle did. He saw an opportunity to pioneer IT technology and created a plan to help change the city's IT infrastructure. Using Microsoft 365 and Azure, Kyle connected thousands of the city's devices, so first responders had faster response times, traffic managers had real-time data, and the various departments could communicate more effectively. Think outside the box and shift to a modern business platform with Microsoft. Contact Digital6 Technologies to find out how.
November 13, 2018

Affinity Workforce secures its future with Microsoft 365

As technology develops, so does the challenge of data security. Implementing and integrating complex security systems can be expensive for an organization and frustrating for its employees. Microsoft 365 provides the essential infrastructure and program integration necessary to keep your data secure, so you can stay focused on what you do best. At Digital6 Technologies, we understand the importance of data security for your organization. Contact us to discover how to efficiently protect your most valuable information.