November 8, 2021

Forrester Maturity Assessment

How far along the #ZeroTrust journey would you say your business is? Take this assessment to evaluate your current security practices across the six competencies of Forrester's Zero Trust extended framework: data, networks, people, workload, devices, analytics, and automation. Once you get your results, reach out to us for individualized recommendations on what your business needs to work on to enhance #cybersecurity.
November 8, 2021

IBM Security Services Cloud Assessment

Perception vs. Reality Where do you think your business lands on the #cybersecurity readiness scale? ?Unprepared ?Reactive ?Proactive ❤️ Anticipatory ?Not sure Take the assessment to get your #cloudsecurity score. Did perception match reality?
November 8, 2021

Safer workplaces for frontline workers

The Power Platform Return-to-the-Workplace solution was designed to help employers prepare to return to in-person operations safely by providing safety tools for facility managers, self-service health and safety tools for employees, and case management tools for health and safety leaders. Learn more in this video.
November 8, 2021

Develop your own path on Microsoft Azure

Whether you're developing your apps on .NET or Java, Microsoft Azure offers great benefits for both. From Visual Studio tools, global compliance, and multiple hosting options, Azure is the go-to cloud service for faster, simpler development. Sign up to stay connected so we can help you develop your own path on Azure and keep you up to date on the latest cloud computing advances.
November 1, 2021

Unlock the Business Value of Hybrid Cloud

What percent of enterprises have piloted, implemented or integrated cloud into operations? Take a guess ? in the comments. To check your answer, get this report from IBM to learn how hybrid cloud drives revenue growth and innovation in the virtual enterprise. Get in touch to learn how the experts at Digital6 Technologies can get you started. #hybridcloud #storagemodernization
November 1, 2021

.NET Core invests in consistency to accelerate open-source innovation

"The goal of the .NET Foundation is to foster innovation by harnessing the power of the open-source community. However, inconsistent tool implementations forced the team to take a fresh DevOps approach and leverage the flexibility of Azure Pipelines and its support for GitHub to consolidate 80 different repositories with more than 800 contributors to shared tooling. Subscribe to stay connected download the full white paper detailing how the .NET Engineering Services invested in consistency to help a wide range of .NET Core developers boost their productivity."
November 1, 2021

Digitalization future-proofs business thanks to connectivity and the cloud

Transportation and infrastructure is moving to the cloud, as evidenced by a Microsoft Azure "data lake" built with support by Azure DevOps for leading transportation manufacturing company Schmitz Cargobull AG. Semi-trailer customers now have access to one portal where they can track anything from performance to vehicle condition. Instead of making large investments in on-premises hardware, you can instead use Azure cloud products to connect different databases into one convenient interface.
October 25, 2021

A Practical Guide To A Zero Trust Implementation

What's stopping you from implementing Zero Trust? ? =Too hard ? = Too expensive ? = Too confusing The good news: Zero Trust does NOT require you to rip out all your current security controls to start fresh, and with the right approach you can realize benefits right away. Read this guide & contact a Digital6 Technologies cyber security expert for a brief consultation on implementing Zero Trust with @IBM #zerotrust #cybersecurity
October 25, 2021

Common myths (and facts) about open source

"For some companies, the idea of adopting open-source software doesn't seem viable. There are many myths about open source, but the truth is that it can facilitate security, be easy to maintain and integrate, and scale to whatever heights you require. Whether you're concerned about security, maintenance, or compatibility, open source can open up a world of possibilities for companies across all industries. Sign up to stay connected—we can help you learn more about using Microsoft Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio and unravel the myths and facts about open source.