February 5, 2019

Vanquish the struggle between mobility and security

These days, many businesses view mobility as a necessity for its ability to increase productivity and efficiency while keeping employees happy by allowing them to access their work on a variety of devices and in a variety of locations. Many businesses rightfully fear that this puts their valuable data at risk, causing them to limit mobility for the sake of security. Luckily, with Microsoft 365 E5 in your corner, there are no tradeoffs. The security system is integrated with the software you are already running so no matter what device and no matter where you are, you are protected. Contact us to learn more.
February 5, 2019

Microsoft 365 Holistic Security

Ask yourself: what is the point of the efficiency and mobility advantages technology has provided us if they can be canceled out by burdensome security battling the constant threat of attack? At Digital6 Technologies, we know we can do better. That's why we believe in Microsoft 365 E5. The versatile, holistic security it provides is the key to making technology work for us, not cybercriminals.
February 5, 2019

More tools won’t make you more secure

As a business grows, often their security strategy is to continually add new security tools to patch the holes caused by internal expansion and the natural shifts in the threat landscape. This patchwork solution only creates a lack visibility for emerging problems, current security risks, and even active threats. At Digital6 Technologies, we believe in the single, comprehensive system of Microsoft 365 E5, protecting your entire business so you never have to wonder if you're missing something. Contact us to learn more.
February 4, 2019

Vanquish the struggle between mobility and security

These days, many businesses view mobility as a necessity for its ability to increase productivity and efficiency while keeping employees happy by allowing them to access their work on a variety of devices and in a variety of locations. Many businesses rightfully fear that this puts their valuable data at risk, causing them to limit mobility for the sake of security. Luckily, with Microsoft 365 E5 in your corner, there are no tradeoffs. The security system is integrated with the software you are already running so no matter what device and no matter where you are, you are protected. Contact us to learn more.
February 4, 2019

Customer story: Ecolab

Ecolab is helping businesses everywhere conserve with data insights. With 36,000 sensors around the world, Ecolab needed a way to bring that data into simple visuals to inform customers. For them, Dynamics 365 is all about profitable growth. The more water they save, the more money they make. But integrating the tech necessary to accomplish that task can be easier said than done. If you're thinking of adopting a platform for insights and data, it's best to enlist the help of pros. At Digital6 Technologies, we're experts capable of helping you accomplish anything IT related. Contact us to find out more.
February 4, 2019

The Unsung: Phase 1

The security landscape is ever changing, and new threats continue to emerge from all parts of the world. That is where The Unsung come in, ready to utilize the tools of Microsoft 365 E5 to keep your business protected from faceless foes, the cybercriminals looking for a way into your company network. At Digital6 Technologies, we are ready to help you arm your own Unsung heroes, your IT professionals, with the capabilities of Microsoft 365 E5 so your business is never caught unaware.
January 29, 2019

Intelligent security for the modern workplace

Imagine if you could: Identify sensitive information automatically. Eliminate passwords entirely in favor of biometrics or pins. Identify, quarantine, and wipe a compromised endpoint all from a single location. Quantify your security position and gain insights on how to improve it. All of this and more is possible with Azure Advanced Threat Protection, just one of four valuable tools included in Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5. Interested in what other tools are available to you? Digital6 Technologies has the answers to your questions. Contact us to learn more.
January 28, 2019

The Unsung Volume 1: The Gripping Security Story of Microsoft 365

With more than 90% of the world's data created in just the past few years, companies and individuals struggle to keep up with the accompanying security threats. Luckily, The Unsung are here to help. They are the IT professionals who go largely unnoticed in the backdrop of offices around the world. They are hard at work protecting our data from cybercriminals. Experience their story in this online comic, learn about the foes they faced and the tools they garnered from Microsoft 365. At Digital6 Technologies, we're excited about the ways in which Microsoft 365 can help The Unsung within your company.