January 9, 2023

Deep Dive into a Cyber Threat Investigation with ThreatINSIGHT

WATCH a real-world cyberthreat scenario unfold in this Gigamon ThreatINSIGHT investigation.   Exploring new threat intelligence & visibility capabilities to enhance #cybersecurity? Comment and we'll show you the @Gigamon difference. #threatintelligence
January 9, 2023

Secure Access: A Unified and Cloud-Delivered Zero-Trust Security Solution

Is your traditional, appliance-based security a match for threats against your hybrid workspace? Yes? 👍 No? 👎 Good news! With @Citrix Workspace, Digital6 Technologies can help you create a simple, secure and productive work experience for hybrid workers. Get this guide for a preview of our zero trust-based and unified, secure access solution for preventing cybersecurity breaches and mitigating risk.
January 9, 2023

Enabling Discovery of Hidden Threats and Rapid Investigations

What features do you want to see in ThreatINSIGHT 3.3? Reply with your #threatintelligence and #EDR needs 👇 so Digital6 Technologies can help guide you in the right direction. #cloudvisibility #Gigamon
January 9, 2023

Zero Trust Security and Citrix Workspace

Is your security obsolete? The shift of applications and data from within datacenters to the cloud and SaaS has rendered traditional castle-and-moat security ineffective. Check out this blog to learn how @Citrix solutions use zero trust-based adaptive access to protect corporate data from threats without compromising user experience.
January 3, 2023

Gigamon ThreatINSIGHT

69% of SOC analysts cite lack of visibility into network traffic as the top reason for SOC ineffectiveness. Do you agree? Comment 👇 with your greatest visibility challenges. Read this #Gigamon #ThreatINSIGHT brief and contact us to discuss how Digital6 Technologies can provide guided-SaaS NDR. #networkvisibility
January 2, 2023

Threatinsight via Network Detection and Response

As enterprises adjust to the new threat landscape, Bassam Khan of Gigamon discusses the visibility challenge and the promise of new network detection and response solutions. Read this for insight 💡. Comment to tell us how Digital6 Technologies can aid your #cloudvisibility. #GigamonCloud
January 2, 2023

Meeting the Security Challenges of Hybrid Work

Cyber attackers took advantage of organizations' weaknesses during the pandemic and wreaked havoc with phishing, ransomware and supply chain attacks. How did your defenses hold up? Even if you came out unscathed, Digital6 Technologies wants you to read this intriguing solution brief pointing out the advantages of @Citrix DaaS with Chrome OS to create a comprehensive and safe solution to keep employees productive.
January 2, 2023

Driving a reimagined customer experience with an AI-powered virtual assistant

Camping World relies on AI technology solutions from @IBM to reimagine call centers. Tell us if you'd like to talk with one of our experts about how Digital6 Technologies can help you reimagine yours.
January 2, 2023

Gigamon in the Black Hat NOC

Click 👏 if cloud visibility is one of your top priorities. Watch this customer story to learn how #blackhatevents uses @Gigamon for insights into what's taking place on their network at any time and contact a Digital6 Technologies Gigamon expert to see similar results. #cloudvisibility #Gigamon