September 21, 2020

Social Asset B: Reduce up to 80% in administration costs by offloading server/storage infrastructures

Offloading server/storage infrastructures to @Microsoft reduces up to 80% in administration costs. Subscribe now to learn how you can take advantage of these cost savings with #Azure.
September 21, 2020

Financial tech company gains SQL Server performance and scalability on Linux

As many startups grow, they encounter scaling challenges and latency. For dv01, a financial reporting and analytics company, Microsoft SQL Server provided the solution. Watch this video to learn how @MicrosoftAzure enabled faster response times and cut #dv01's management time by 90%.
September 15, 2020

Windows and SQL Server: The Best of Azure

Microsoft is the only cloud provider with end-to-end hybrid infrastructure. Check out this flyer to learn more about why Windows Server and SQL Server are best on #Azure, from one-stop support to unmatched security.
September 15, 2020

Security with Azure SQL Database in Azure Government

Microsoft commits to three main pillars in its advanced data security: data classification, vulnerability assessments, and threat detection. Learn more about Azure's intelligent security capabilities with this episode from the Azure Government series.
September 15, 2020

Are Your New Remote Workers Visible to Security Operations?

New widespread #WFH arrangements require fresh thinking around #cybersecurity. Security teams must pay close attention to how these work arrangements affect visibility. Check out these recommendations from Gartner on the actions needed now to secure remote workforces amid the pandemic.
September 11, 2020

Cloud lessons learned: four companies that migrated their Windows Server and SQL Server workloads to Azure

Read the success stories of companies that increased workload performance and cut costs by moving Windows Server and SQL Server to Azure. Download this eBook to […]
September 11, 2020

Carlsberg Group follows a recipe for success with Microsoft Azure, SAP, and a cloud-first strategy

Discover how the Carlsberg Group has successfully migrated SAP to Microsoft Azure. Migrating their environment to the cloud has helped them drive business performance and achieve […]
September 8, 2020

Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Data is the great equalizer of today's organizations. What once required years of experience to deduce can now be pointed out in a second with real-time dashboards and reports. Follow Digital6 Technologies to learn how you can gain access to insight-rich data with #Microsoft #AzureIoT.