July 15, 2024

New security features in Windows 11 protect users and empower IT

Windows 11 has loads of new security capabilities to make your computing even more secure, from its chip-based security to extra layers of application and data security. Read this @Microsoft article to learn why Windows 11 is the most secure and resilient Windows ever.
July 8, 2024

Westpac transforms IT and enables secure, inclusive, flexible work with Windows 11 Enterprise

Thanks to @Microsoft Windows 11 with Autopatch, Westpac, a leading Australian bank, cut its deployment time from an hour and a half to 25 minutes for each of its 40,000+ employees. Read how they did it. 👇
July 8, 2024

Accelerating the Accelerator: Scientist Speeds CERN’s HPC With GPUs, AI

AI and NVIDIA GPUs are helping expand the power and potential of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva. Read this fascinating tale of the scientist and her efforts to bring @NVIDIA accelerated computing to CERN. ⚡