October 4, 2021

Deliver software faster and more securely with the world’s leading developer platform

Microsoft Visual Studio, coupled with GitHub and Azure DevOps, can help you build, manage, and deploy your applications anywhere—with speed and security. Use your preferred languages, frameworks, and infrastructure, even your own datacenter and other clouds, to solve challenges large and small. Sign up to stay connected. We'll help you learn more about using Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft to build your next great solution.
October 4, 2021

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe forges a modern way of working with Microsoft 365

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe quickly deployed its Company Communicator app for Microsoft Teams, developed using an open-source Teams app template from GitHub, to enable sharing of company news with employees and hosting of large virtual town hall events. This provided executives with the tools they needed to address employees directly and keep them connected when in-person events were not possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.
September 27, 2021

A programmatic approach to cloud security

Moving to the cloud? You may be introducing security challenges to your business. Check this out and contact a Digital6 Technologies cybersecurity expert to learn how you can implement a programmatic approach to security at each stage of your journey. #cloud #cybersecurity
September 27, 2021

Protect the Hybrid Cloud with Zero Trust

Cloud misconfigurations were a leading cause of data breaches in 2020. Don't leave your business vulnerable. Read this to learn how you can protect your hybrid cloud with a Zero Trust security solution and contact a Digital6 Technologies cybersecurity expert for more info.
September 27, 2021

IBM Cloud Security Services promo video

Every day, enterprises across the globe move to the cloud for access to innovative IT that's flexible and cost-effective. However, moving to the cloud can introduce new security challenges that put your business at risk. Watch this video to see how IBM tackles these issues and contact a Digital6 Technologies cybersecurity expert for more info. #cloud #cybersecurity
September 27, 2021

6 ways to kickstart DevSecOps

DevOps methodologies provide businesses with a faster and more efficient way to do code—and organizations are turning to DevSecOps as the solution to harden security and address compliance at the same time. Starting DevSecOps practices can be challenging, especially when working with siloed teams, or when there is reluctance to add security and compliance checks to the delivery pipelines—but we are here to help. Sign up to stay connected and download 6 ways to kickstart DevSecOps—and get started integrating security into your practices.
September 27, 2021

Low code vs. no code and the future of application development

Low code and no code platforms make application and software development accessible to businesses or projects that may not always need a full development team. The low code technology market is predicted to grow 23 percent globally in 2021—providing opportunities to save money and time.
September 21, 2021

IBM CISO Perspective: Zero Trust Changes Security from Something You Do to Something You Have

Today, operating a business means supporting a workforce from any location on any device - connecting to resources hosted in multiple environments. A Zero Trust approach can help your clients empower their workforce by correlating security information across all security domains. Read this article by IBM's CISO to discover how IBM helps improve client experiences by reducing barriers to access resources without sacrificing security. Ready to start your cybersecurity journey? Contact a Digital6 Technologies IBM expert for a free consultation on the steps you can take right now to protect your anywhere workers. #remoteworkers #zerotrust
September 21, 2021

Secure your remote and hybrid workforce blueprint

The remote workforce is here to stay.  For security and risk leaders, suddenly having more workers that aren't on site has created a security debt.  In March 2021, OpenVPN found that 90% of IT leaders polled believe remote workers are not secure.  Fortunately, IBM has a solution. Here's the ultimate blueprint for overcoming cyber vulnerabilities in the hybrid workforce. Ready to start your cybersecurity journey? Contact a Digital6 Technologies IBM expert for a free consultation on the steps you can take right now to protect your anywhere workers. #cybersecurity #hybridwork